2021 Pacific Brewers Cup Winners Announced

After a year and a half of covid-related delays, we are please to announce the winners of the 2021 Pacific Brewer Cup.  Congratulation to Steven Severn of the Orange County Mash-ups for his Best of Show entry Janet’s Brown Ale, brewed as a memorial to Mike “Tasty” McDole, a renowned homebrewer who passed away just over a year ago.  Janet’s Brown Ale was itself a memorial brew first brewed by Tasty to honor the memory of his wife Janet who passed away in 2001.  Congratulations Steven, and a salute to your fallen comrades.

Our first Runner-up was a dry sparkling Cider brewed by Kyle Brawley.  Rounding out the top three was a Märzen brewed by Carl Townsend.

The Best Brewer award goes to Jon Silvertooth of Long Beach Homebrewers.  Jon had three first-place beers, and also led the charge for the Top Club award which goes to Long Beach Homebrewers.

Full result can be found at:http://comp.pacificgravity.com/ Please note that all entries were ranked by Table, which in most cases consist of a collection of similar styles.

The 2021 competition covered 172 entries and 70 unique beer styles.  Many thanks to Tortugo Brewing Co for hosting the competition and putting up with the disruption of the brewery flow.  Thanks to all entrants for their wonderful beer the judges and stewards who made judging possible, our Chef Ian for a wonderful lunch and to Eric, our sponsor coordinator.

For all you entrants, your entry scores can be found under your personal account info.  Scoresheets are being scanned as we speak and should be available in groups over the next several days.  Ribbons and some special prizes will arrive under separate cover.

Finally, remember to go visit our sponsors!  They have had a tough year and are eager to get back into the normal swing of thing.

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for participating.

Carl Townsend
Competition Organizer
2021 Pacific Brewers Cup

